Imagine the perfect systems and processes for your speaking business! 🙂

    Business Systems Consultant for Professional Speakers.

    I work with professional speakers and their teams who want to implement proven systems, administrative processes, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for profitable results.  To learn more click here.


    Ask Regina Baker
    Regina is very likely the best business manager in the speaking business. Her ability to leverage systems, white glove customer service, and manage teams make her an incredible asset to any speaking business. She has great attention to detail and a strong sense of pride in her work. Additionally, she's great at training assistants and helping speakers uncover what's missing in their own business systems that would allow their businesses to run more efficiently and effectively. I cannot recommend Regina enough! In the ten years we've been together, she has helped grow my business beyond what I thought was possible.
    Current/Past Clients:
    Karen McCullough
    Omekongo Dibinga
    Dr. Nicole Roberts Jones

    When you’re running a speaking business, shouldn't you focus on profit generating activities and leave the systems and administrative processes to me? Ready to grow your business with less time?

    Communications Liaison

    Communications Liaision

    System and Admin Processes

    Systems & Admin Processes

    Logistics and Management

    Logistics & Management

    Listen to these kind words from ANTON GUNN (CSP), a former senior advisor to President Barack Obama and the World’s Leading Expert on Socially Conscious Leadership and Workplace Culture.

    Let's Chat

    Ready to implement proven systems and processes for Professional Speakers in Your Business?

    Systems and processes serve as the essential building blocks supporting the growth of your business

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